Tuta Borukaev’s Poems and Fairy Tales: Affiliation to the Genre of Fable
Khashir Kara Oskarovna
Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh. M. Berbekov
Submitted: 26.10.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to consider whether the Kabardian writer and educator Tuta Borukaev’s (1888-1937) poems "The Horse" ("Шы"), "The Old Cat" ("Джэдуужь"), "The Complaining Mouse" ("Дзыгъуэ тхьэусыхэ") and fairy tales "The Forest Tale" ("Мэз таурыхъ"), "The Story of the Cat Named Shoo" ("Джэдухэм щыщу Тыхъым и хъыбар") belong to the genre of fable, as well as to carry out their literary analysis. The scientific originality of the research lies in the fact that it uses the approach to studying T. Borukaev’s works from the point of view of their affiliation to the genre of fable for the first time, also it presents the literary translation of the analyzed poems of the writer into the Russian language, carried out by the author for the first time. As a result, the research has systematized the key features of T. Borukaev’s works and has reasonably shown that his works contain the elements of fable, but do not possess the combination of features that would relate it to the genre of fable.
Key words and phrases: Т. Борукаев, кабардинская литература, басня, сказка, стихотворение-жалоба, T. Borukaev, Kabardian literature, fable, fairy tale, poem-complaint
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