Linguistic and Stylistic Features of a Russian Folk Song
Teppeeva Dzhamilya Ramazanovna
Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh. M. Berbekov
Submitted: 01.10.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to explore in an integrated manner linguistic and stylistic peculiarities of Russian folk songs. The scientific originality of the approach consists in determining and clarifying relevant for linguistic stylistics features of Russian folk song texts as a special text type; in its complex "three-dimensional" (phonetics, lexis, syntax) study. Songs are a unique source of authentic information distinguished by particular expressiveness, which can be reached due to a certain complex of artistic means of language (phonetic, lexical, syntactic expressive means). As a result of the research, it has been proved that such a set of stylistic means activates intensifying and actualizing function of a folk song and imprints a certain set of authentic knowledge into the listener’s mind.
Key words and phrases: лингвостилистика, русская народная песня, тропы, синтаксис, лексика, linguistic stylistics, Russian folk song, tropes, syntax, lexis
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