Speech-Making and Linguistic Creativity in the Discourse of the Chinese Media in English
Nikolaeva Olga Vasilyevna, Kokhan Irina Nikolaevna
Far Eastern Federal University
Submitted: 08.10.2021
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the causes and patterns of discursive creativity in the Chinese media in English, and to solve the issue of linguistic creativity in an intermediary language that is socially significant for intercultural communication. The scientific originality lies in the appeal to the culturological and pragmatic factors that caused the phenomenon of discursive creativity in the Chinese media in English. As a result, various forms of using the available material of the modern English language have been identified: reproductive, productive, innovative and creative ones. Various types of linguistic creativity (allegories, allusions, proverbs, sayings, parables and other types of allegories), which have a national and cultural specificity, due to the topic of messages and the Chinese speech-thinking tradition, have been established.
Key words and phrases: лингвистическая креативность, речетворчество, национальная идентичность, межкультурная прагматика, дискурс СМИ, linguistic creativity, speech-making, national identity, intercultural pragmatics, media discourse
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