Metaphorical Concept of the BIBLE as a Means of Realising Emotiveness in German Newspaper-Publicistic Texts on Legal Topics
Skotnikova Tatyana Andreewna
Moscow State Linguistic University
Submitted: 19.09.2021
Abstract. The article considers the problem of achieving understanding in the course of communication between specialists and non-specialists, using German-language newspaper-publicistic texts on legal topics as an example. The purpose of the study is to describe one of the ways of emotionalising legal vocabulary in German-language publicistic texts on legal topics as a means of popularising the subject-specific legal language in the socio-political German-language discourse, contributing to effective legal communication. Scientific novelty of the study lies in using a cognitive-discursive analysis of metaphors as a means of realising the category of emotiveness, involving the material of the modern German language. As a result, it has been proved that to ensure the correct interpretation of legal situations, authors use metaphors as a means of emotionalising the content of legal issues, which contributes to the recipient’s adequate perception of texts on highly specialised topics.
Key words and phrases: метафора, метафорический концепт, метафорическая модель, эмотема, metaphor, metaphorical concept, metaphorical model, emoteme
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