Structural Features of the GESETZ (LAW) Concept as the Basis for Synonymy in German Legislative Texts
Berezovskaya Anastasia Viktorovna
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University)
Submitted: 04.10.2021
Abstract. The research aims to determine cognitive grounds for the synonymy of naming units belonging to the GESETZ (LAW) concept. The analysis of the said concept was carried out using the material of German legislative texts, as a result of the analysis, cognitive features have been identified and its structure has been modeled, which makes it possible to determine verbalisation specificity of this concept in German statutory and regulatory texts. Scientific novelty lies in the comprehensive nature of the study of the GESETZ concept representations in German legislation. The research findings amount to constructing a field model of its naming units in legal texts, identifying structural features of the GESETZ concept and determining cognitive grounds for the synonymy of its naming units.
Key words and phrases: правовой концепт, когнитивный признак, юридический дискурс, синонимия, полевая модель, legal concept, cognitive feature, legal discourse, synonymy, field model
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