Plot about a "Journey to Venice": From a Topography into a Biography (by the Material of E. Margolis’s Book "Traces on the Water")
Konstantinova Natalya Vladimirovna
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 27.09.2021
Abstract. The research aims to determine specificity of the method used to create the plot about a "journey to Venice" in E. Margolis’s book "Traces on the Water" in relation to the established literary tradition. The paper clarifies the role of a writing subject’s self-reflection, description of the mental essence of one’s movement in space; reveals the mechanism of text generation of the story about a journey to Venice, which turns into a path to oneself, to self-understanding in the process of developing the plot; provides justification for the study of the text belonging to modern literary Venetiana in the context of the travelogue genre tradition. Scientific novelty of the research lies in studying plot composition principles in the Venetian text of modern Russian literature. As a result, it has been proved that the plot about a "journey to Venice" in E. Margolis’s book "Traces on the Water" changes in a successive manner, from a topography turns into a biography.
Key words and phrases: путешествие, сюжет, венецианский текст, топография, биография, journey, plot, Venetian text, topography, biography
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