FOOD/EDIBLES Conceptual Sphere as a Source of Metaphorical Nominations of Young Children in Family Discourse
Prokudina Irina Sergeevna
Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management
Submitted: 23.12.2020
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the features of using the notions related to the conceptual sphere source "Food/Edibles" to create metaphorical nominations for young children in family discourse. The author considers subspheres, frames and slots included in this conceptual sphere, which elements are most often metaphorized for naming children, as well as their characterizing and evaluative potential. The scientific originality of the research lies in the fact that the work for the first time describes the metaphorical models of the formation of nominations for young children with the source sphere "Food/Edibles", identifies the signs connecting the primary and metaphorical meanings, establishes the criteria for selecting the notions of the investigated conceptual sphere used to create metaphorical names of the child. The features of metaphors with the source sphere "Food/Edibles" as a way of nominating young children within the framework of family discourse are determined. The results obtained indicate a high degree of demand for images of vegetables, fruits, berries, bakery and sausage products, sweets, taste metaphors that can represent the distinctive features of a child and express a high degree of his positive assessment.
Key words and phrases: концептуальная сфера "Еда/Пища", сфера-источник, метафорические номинации детей, метафорическая модель, семейный дискурс, conceptual sphere "Food/Edibles", source sphere, metaphorical nominations of children, metaphorical model, family discourse
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