Humor Representation in English Fictional Works of the XIX-XX Centuries
Temkina Vera Lvovna, Rudakova Ekaterina Alekseevna
Orenburg State University
Submitted: 28.07.2021
Abstract. The aim of the article is to study the features of the English humor representation as a speech act. The work of M. Twain acts as a material for the research. The following research methods are used: the method of dictionary definitions analysis, the method of semantic and pragmatic interpretation. The scientific originality of the research lies in identifying the features of humor as a speech act, means of creating the investigated speech act in English literature. The results obtained showed that the comic in Twain’s works, on the one hand, reflects the peculiarities of the national system of axiologems, on the other, - the author appeals to universal values. Humor is based on the "disagreement" between the described communicative situation and its characterization.
Key words and phrases: юмор, английский юмор, комическое, Твен, речевой акт, humor, English humor, comic, Twain, speech act
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