Comparative Analysis of the Semantic Features of the Verbs of Motion in the Russian and Persian Languages
Khalida Siyami Eidlak, Yazdanmehr Cayyed Mohammad Javad
University of Bojnord, Iran
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
Submitted: 12.09.2021
Abstract. The aim of the research is to reveal the differentiating features of the verbs of motion in the Russian language and their equivalents in the Persian language. The main content of the article is a comparative semantic analysis of the verbs of motion of the Russian and Persian languages. Basing on the analysis, Russian verbs of motion were divided into four semantic groups according to the characteristics of the method, means, pace and environment of movement, as well as the presence of abstractness. The scientific originality of the work lies in the fact that it was the first to attempt a consistent, detailed comparative semantic analysis of the verbs of motion by the materials of two languages of different systems. As a result, it was found that the verbs of motion of the Russian and Persian languages have significant differences.
Key words and phrases: семантика, глаголы движения, персидский язык, русский язык, эквиваленты, semantics, verbs of motion, Persian language, Russian language, equivalents
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