Voice as a Mythological Archetype in Indo-European Culture
Ledovskikh Antonina Yur’evna
Novosibirsk State University
Submitted: 30.07.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to determine the main semantic variations of the mythological archetype of voice in the oral tradition, subsequently embedded in the socio-cultural and linguistic mentality. The scientific novelty of the study lies in conducting a comprehensive analysis of the voice archetype that has not been undertaken before and providing a description of its semiotic capabilities at an early stage of the formation of a mythological paradigm that responds to the topical issue of language and thought. As a result of the study, the following semantic variations have been identified in the voice archetype: the transfer of voice acoustic properties on natural phenomena (god’s word is thunder, his weapon is lightning, his breath is the wind) and the reflection of the heavenly elements in the human speech, i.e. the power of incantations; personification of voice (speech) as of gods of eloquence and prayers; the transfer of voice semantics into the field of divine knowledge with the acquisition of constitutive power; voice abstraction (voice as an opinion, voice of conscience, rumour).
Key words and phrases: голос, архетип, миф, индоевропейские языки, устная традиция, voice, archetype, myth, Indo-European languages, oral tradition
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