Expansion of Sociolinguistic Research Terminology in the Field of Dialectology, Language Changes, Multilingualism
Kirilenko Svetlana Vladimirovna
Institute of Linguistics of RAS
Submitted: 07.09.2021
Abstract. The aim of the study is to review modern sociolinguistic research in order to identify new terminological units. The scientific originality of the work lies in the description of little-known terms that have appeared in the field of the study of dialects, bilingualism, multilingualism and linguistic changes. As a result of the study, a number of recently appeared sociolinguistic terms (bidialectism and its types, age gradation of speakers, isogloss complementation, gradient, discursive collective, societal bilingualism, etc.) were identified, which will probably take their place in the conceptual apparatus and terminology of social linguistics in length of time.
Key words and phrases: социолингвистическая терминология, диалекты, билингвизм, мультилингвизм, языковые изменения, sociolinguistic terminology, dialects, bilingualism, multilingualism, language changes
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