Features of Representation of the Concept-Opposition CHARACTER - FAMILY TIES in H. Bazin’s Trilogy "The Rezeau Family" by Word Formation Means
Sviridova Evgeniya Igorevna
Voronezh State University
Submitted: 18.09.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to identify the relationship between the way of expressing the word-formation meaning of a complex sign and the representation of the concept-opposition CHARACTER - FAMILY TIES in H. Bazin’s trilogy "The Rezeau Family". It is shown that the compositional semantics of a complex sign is directly dependent on the narrator’s individual style and is related to the specifics of a particular concept-opposition. Scientific novelty of the study lies in applying the theory of focalisation to describe the correlation between the conceptualisation process and word-formation processes. As a result of the study, it has been found that the indicator of explicitness of the word-formation meaning correlates with the specifics of the considered concept-opposition and the focalisation type.
Key words and phrases: концептуальная интеграция, концепт-оппозиция, фокализация, словообразовательное значение, модель концептуальной деривации, conceptual integration, concept-opposition, focalisation, word-formation meaning, conceptual derivation model
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