Specificity of Speech Expressiveness Means in C?te d'Ivoire French
Kondratieva Anna Sergeevna
Moscow Region State University
Submitted: 06.09.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to reveal the specificity of speech expressiveness means in C?te d'Ivoire French. The article presents the research results, provides rich illustrative material. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that argot "Nushi" has not been previously investigated in domestic linguistics. The researcher conducts a comparative analysis of zoo metaphors in the French language and its C?te d'Ivoire variant. The research findings are as follows: the author reveals the similarity between Ivoirian argot "Nushi" and Cockney dialect, identifies the cases of metaphor borrowing between African variants of French.
Key words and phrases: территориальный вариант, метафора, зоометафора, арго, эвфемизм, territorial variant, metaphor, zoo metaphor, argot, euphemism
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