Semantics of Verbs of Sounding in A. Blok’s Collection "Poems about the Beautiful Lady"
Spivakova Elena Michailovna
Shalom-Aleichem Priamursky State University
Submitted: 10.09.2021
Abstract. The article studies the semantics of verbs of sounding in "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" by A. Blok. The aim of the study is to identify the individual author’s originality of the poetic use of words from this lexico-semantic group. The scientific originality of the work is determined by the fact that for the first time a detailed description of the verbs of sounding in the collection "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" is given, which contributes to deeper coverage of A. Blok’s idiostyle and more complete reconstruction of the author’s worldview. The results of the study made it possible to identify a set of semantic features that form the idea of sound in the collection, and to ascertain that verbs of sounding are involved in expressing the complex and tense relationship of the lyric hero with his beloved, forming a single semantic network.
Key words and phrases: эстетическое значение, контекстуальный смысл слова, символическое значение, глаголы звучания, А. Блок, aesthetic value, contextual meaning of word, symbolic meaning, verbs of sounding, A. Blok
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