Terms and Terminological Combinations with the Meaning "Vengeance" in the Old Russian Law
Nosov Ilia Sergeevich
N. P. Ogarev’s Mordovian State University
Submitted: 17.09.2020
Abstract. The research objectives are as follows: within the framework of studying the Russian juridical vocabulary of the X-XIV centuries, the author tries to identify specificity of the "vengeance" concept representation in the Old Russian written monuments (treaties between Rus and the Byzantine Empire, Rus Justice, Primary Chronicle). Scientific originality of the paper is conditioned by the fact that for the first time in the Russian linguistics, the researcher conducts a comprehensive interdisciplinary study on the functioning of terms with the meaning "vengeance" in the Old Russian juridical texts. Novelty lies also in the fact that the problem is considered through the lens of the Old Russian juridical terminology formation. Relying on an analysis of factual material (terms and terminological combinations with the nuclear component "vengeance") obtained by continuous sampling from the Old Russian juridical texts, the author clarifies the meaning of the term "vengeance", reveals understanding of vengeance in ancient Rus.
Key words and phrases: древнерусская правовая лексика, термины и терминосочетания со значением мести, договоры Руси с Византией, Русская Правда, Повесть временных лет, Old Russian juridical vocabulary, terms and terminological combinations with the meaning "vengeance", treaties between Rus and the Byzantine Empire, Rus Justice, Primary Chronicle
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