Language Game Phenomenon in Troll Discourse (by the Material of the French-Language Internet Communication)
Bondarenko Alexandra Olegovna
Moscow State Linguistic University
Submitted: 20.10.2020
Abstract. The article examines trolling as a phenomenon of Internet communication, analyses the language game techniques used by the addresser to create a comical situation. The research objective includes identifying language game techniques in the French-language troll discourse. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the author for the first time provides a linguistic analysis of the language game techniques used by the French-speaking trolls. The research findings are as follows: the author identifies features of language game in the French-language troll discourse at the phonetic (pun), morphological (stem-composition) and lexical (polysemy) levels. Metaphor is also used to create a pun. At the syntactic level, features of language game were not identified.
Key words and phrases: языковая личность, лингвокреативная деятельность, языковая игра, нарушение языковой нормы, троллинг, linguistic personality, linguo-creative activity, language game, violation of language norm, trolling
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