Language Game Based on Conversion and Homonymy (by the Material of the English Tongue Twisters)
Semerdzhidi Valentina Nikolaevna
Kuban State University
Submitted: 26.10.2020
Abstract. The paper aims to identify peculiarities of using language game techniques in the English tongue twisters. Contrary to previous studies focused on analysing phonetic and morphological peculiarities of the English tongue twisters, the article examines their game component formed by means of conversion and homonymy, wherein lies scientific originality of the research. As a result of the conducted analysis, the author proposes a classification of the English tongue twisters depending on the type of conversion and homonymy. The following conclusions are justified: simultaneous use of homonymy and conversion in a tongue twister creates a special stylistic effect that emphasizes emotionality of perception, actualizes vocabulary, stimulates intellectual efforts to understand the implicit meaning, which promotes students’ English-language competence.
Key words and phrases: скороговорка, конверсия, омонимия, языковая игра, английский язык, tongue twister, conversion, homonymy, language game, English language
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