Semantic and Formal Characteristics of Precedent Statements in the British Mass Media Discourse
Matveyeva Anna Anatolyevna
Bashkir State University
Submitted: 30.11.2020
Abstract. The paper aims to reveal structural-semantic characteristics of precedent statements in the modern British mass media discourse. Scientific originality of the study involves identifying structural-semantic transformations of precedent statements in the British mass media discourse. The analysis indicates that in 62% of cases, the meaning of a precedent statement is not determined by precedent context or a precedent situation. In 72% of cases, a precedent statement in the mass media discourse differs in form from the analogous statement in a precedent text. Correlation of meaning and form of a transformed precedent statement is identified.
Key words and phrases: прецедентное высказывание, дискурс СМИ, поверхностное значение, глубинное значение, авторское значение, precedent statement, mass-media discourse, primary meaning, deep meaning, authorial meaning
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