Metaphorization and Metonymization as Means of Youth Slang Formation (by the Material of the Modern German Language)
Guseva Alla Efimovna, Manukian Kristina Michajlovna
Moscow Region State University
Municipal Educational Institution "Rogachevskaya Secondary School"
Submitted: 05.10.2020
Abstract. The research objectives are as follows: to identify types of metaphors and metonymies in the modern German youth slang, to discover peculiarities of their semantic, word-formative and phrase-formative derivation, to reveal techniques to create non-trivial images. Scientific originality of the study involves identifying specific features of metaphors and metonymies in the youth slang. The conducted analysis allows concluding that metaphors and metonymies in the youth slang differ from those used in the literary language. Within the framework of the research, the following issues are discussed: interaction of metaphorization and metonymization processes and reasonability of using the term "metaphtonymy".
Key words and phrases: молодежный жаргон, метафора, метонимия, метафтонимия, youth slang, metaphor, metonymy, metaphtonymy
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