Journalistic Headline Manipulative Nature in Military-Political Discourse (Based on the English Language)
Bogdanova Oksana Yurievna, Kramarenko Olga Leonidovna, Orlova Natalia Olegovna
Yaroslavl Higher Military Institute of the Air Defense of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Submitted: 11.11.2020
Abstract. The study aims at considering the role of military-political discourse in manipulating the mass consciousness during the information-psychological warfare. At present the mass media are no longer passive sources of information. They are actively participating in the process of forming public opinion, presenting diametrically opposed points of view on certain issues. The research scientific novelty is based on determining the degree of modern mass media influence on public consciousness. The attained results have shown the main manipulative methods of speech influence used in American and British journalistic headlines, presented by a dicteme of a special kind - the text dictemic name: the introduction into the negatively assessed context, concentrated information repetition, transition to personalities, the imposing of a presupposition, the "lexemes-limiters" use and others.
Key words and phrases: военно-политический дискурс, заголовок, диктема, речевое воздействие, манипулятивное воздействие, military-political discourse, headline, dicteme, speech influence, manipulative influence
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