Tendencies in Youth Slang Formation in the Modern German Language
Bojkova Irina Borissovna, Kovalchuk Nikita Konstantinovich
Moscow Pedagogical State University
Submitted: 29.07.2020
Abstract. The aim of the study is to give an account of tendencies in formation of the modern German youth slang. The article reviews ways and methods of expanding youth vocabulary, determines their proportion in formation of neologisms in 2019. The research findings are contrasted against results of a similar analysis of youth neologisms conducted in 1996. The research is novel in that comparison of two slices of the German youth slang with much time passed between them is made for the first time and types of youth word creation, which has not been studied before, are described. As a result, it was found that proportion of certain ways and methods of expanding youth slang has changed. The way youth slang reflects reality has become less transparent and more indirect.
Key words and phrases: немецкий молодежный сленг, пути пополнения лексики, неологизмы, словотворчество, German youth slang, ways of vocabulary expansion, neologisms, word creation
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