Semenenko Ivan Ivanovich
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Submitted: 28.04.2020
Abstract. The article examines "The Great Preface" (I century AD) to the canonical "Book of Songs" (Shi jing) - the earliest and most influential poetics in the Chinese literary tradition. The research objectives are as follows: to describe this poetics as a comprehensive whole revealing its structural integrity. Scientific originality of the paper lies in the fact that relying on achievements of the western literary criticism, philology, rhetoric and logic, the author provides a comprehensive typological analysis of the literary work under study. The findings indicate that, with a tendency to recognize self-sufficiency of poetry, "The Great Preface" poetics establishes a utilitarian-rhetorical approach to poetical creativity.
Key words and phrases: классическая китайская поэтика, поэзия, музыкальный этос, риторика, жанр, classical Chinese poetics, poetry, musical ethos, rhetoric, genre
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