Components of Notion and Corresponding Emotional State (by the Material of Interdisciplinary Study of Everyday Consciousness)
Kolodina Nina Ivanovna
Voronezh State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 05.06.2020
Abstract. The paper aims to identify differential semantic features of the notions "affection" and "conciliation" in an individual’s everyday consciousness in comparison with components of the corresponding emotional states arising in response to an external stimulus-image. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that relying on an interdisciplinary experiment data, the author analyses the structure of the notions "affection" and "conciliation" and their corresponding emotional states. The research findings are as follows: the author identifies nuclear and peripheral components of the notions "affection" and "conciliation" and their corresponding emotional states and discovers that one of the components is equally present in the structure of the notion and the corresponding emotional state. The conclusion is made that sometimes it’s difficult to ascertain correlation between the designated emotional state and the corresponding emotional situation.
Key words and phrases: умиление, умиротворение, структурированность понятий, компоненты эмоциональных состояний, базовые и периферийные компоненты, психолингвистическое анкетирование, стимул-изображение, словесная реакция, affection, conciliation, structuredness of notions, components of emotional states, nuclear and peripheral components, psycholinguistic survey, stimulus-image, verbal response
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