Derivation of Conjunctives Connecting Adverbial Clauses of Time in the Nakh Language
Tarieva Liliya Uvaisovna
Ingush State University
Submitted: 17.03.2020
Abstract. The article examines conjunctives connecting adverbial clauses of time from the viewpoint of their motivation and position in a complex sentence. It is shown that in the Nakh language, adverbial clauses of time contain connectors historically associated with affixational morphemes or with synthetic means of form-building. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the analysis of connectors expressing temporal relations focuses on identifying their etymological specificity, it throws light on conjunction derivation process in the ergative Nakh-Dagestanian languages in general. For the first time the structure of a conjunctive word is considered from the viewpoint of functional specificity of words-morphemes, as well as synthetic means that historically evolved into a single lexeme capable of transforming into an auxiliary word. The research findings can be used to differentiate motivated and primary conjunctive words. The obtained results indicate that primary conjunctive words can be rightfully classified as the native Nakh words.
Key words and phrases: нахский язык, союзное средство, аффиксоид, морфемный шов, анлаутная позиция, инлаутная позиция, однородные предикации, Nakh language, conjunctive, affixoid, morphemic seam, anlaut position, inlaut position, homogeneous predications
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