Podavylova Irina Aleksandrovna
Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University
Submitted: 27.02.2020
Abstract. The paper aims to reveal artistic features of a toy, to analyse its interpretations in literature. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the researcher considers a toy’s functions in literature that undergoes a period of formation, self-identification and reinterpretation of traditional meanings. In the XIX-XX centuries, a toy acquires tragic features due to the loss of the traditional objective status associated with the theme of childhood and a child’s image. In the XIX-century literature, a toy is identified with a human being and the society, it emphasizes their mechanicalness and passivity. In the XX-century literature, with its apocalyptic atmosphere, a toy is endowed with free will, mostly evil will; it raises a revolt against its owner/creator. The analysis has allowed the researcher to identify a toy’s inherent characteristics manifested in literary works regardless of the writer’s nationality and individual style.
Key words and phrases: художественная литература XIX-XX вв, игрушка, вещь, функция, семантика, интерпретация, fiction of the XIX-XX centuries, toy, thing, function, semantics, interpretation
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