Surrealistic Code in Fiction: Definition and Realization
Gorelov Oleg Sergeyevich
Ivanovo State University
Submitted: 04.06.2020
Abstract. The paper aims to identify the role of a style code in surrealistic fiction throughout its history. The article analyses attempts to formulate a universal definition of surrealistic trends. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the researcher develops a scheme of interaction of a special style code (surrealistic code), the surrealistic conceptual sphere and literary texts proper correlating with the surreal. The conducted research allows concluding that surrealistic conceptions are largely a surjective function of a code and have minimum two arguments, which ensures the surrealistic style identification.
Key words and phrases: сюрреалистический код, концептосфера, сверхтекст, функция, стиль, surrealistic code, conceptual sphere, super-text, function, style
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