Functioning of Youth Slang in Anthony Burgess’s Original Novel "A Clockwork Orange" and Its Translation into the Russian Language
Kuznetsova Elena Valer'evna
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Submitted: 28.04.2020
Abstract. The study is based on the novel "A Clockwork Orange" written in 1962 by Anthony Burgess. The aim of the research is to draw a conclusion about significance of colloquial vocabulary basing on the considered facts, to identify specifics of the original way of translating the novel and to determine what drove the translator to resort to transliteration. The study is novel in that it is the first to combine the analysis of Nadsat etymology and the principles of literary translation of the novel into Russian in one work. The research findings have revealed the role that the newspeak plays in the plot dynamics, as well as the important role that slang plays in a language as a whole.
Key words and phrases: сленг, транслитерация, Бёрджесс, "Заводной апельсин", разговорная лексика, slang, transliteration, Burgess, "A Clockwork Orange", colloquial vocabulary
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