Meshchanskii Aleksandr Yur'evich, Savelova Lyubov' Anatol'evna
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov
Submitted: 08.05.2020
Abstract. The study aims to provide insight into specifics of artistic perception of reality encapsulated in I. Vyrypaev’s drama. The article reveals conceptual content of the plays "Oxygen" and "Genesis No. 2", examines aesthetically defining ideas of the dramatist’s artistic world. Scientific novelty of the study lies in choosing the axiological component of the modern author’s dramatic text as an object and subject of a focused study. The results of the analysis allow the researchers to draw conclusions about the dominant nature of underlying tragic modality in viewing the world as a whole and an individual man in I. Vyrypaev’s drama, which is relevant for understanding the ways of forming new axiology in the modern society.
Key words and phrases: И. Вырыпаев, современная драматургия, русская литература, художественное восприятие действительности, трагическая модальность текста, I. Vyrypaev, modern drama, Russian literature, artistic perception of reality, text’s tragic modality
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