Lexico-Syntactic Variations of Circular Compositions in Poetical Contexts of V. Shalamov and A. Tarkovsky
Makevnina Irina Anatolievna, Pavlovskaya Irina Grigorievna, Philimonova Natalia Yurievna
Volgograd State Technical University
Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University
Submitted: 27.05.2020
Abstract. The article analyses lexico-syntactic variations of circular structures in poetical contexts of V. Shalamov and A. Tarkovsky. The paper aims to show how formal and compositional peculiarities, inner content of their poems determine a text figurative structure. Scientific originality of the study lies in identifying peculiarities of the variational circular structures functioning in their poetry. The research task involves systematization and contextual differentiation of circular structures in the poets’ lyrical works. The research findings are as follows: the authors’ original artistic techniques to create a poetical context are identified.
Key words and phrases: кольцевая композиция, формально-композиционные особенности, лексико-синтаксические вариации, структурный аспект, В. Шаламов, А. Тарковский, поэтический контекст, circular composition, formal and compositional peculiarities, lexico-syntactic variations, structural aspect, V. Shalamov, A. Tarkovsky, poetical context
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