Word-Formation Specifics of Disease Names in the Scots Dialect
Vystropova Ol'ga Stanislavovna
Volgograd State Medical University
Submitted: 15.04.2020
Abstract. The article deals with the issue of word-formation of disease names in the Scots dialect. Scots has a special place amidst variety of accents and dialects of the United Kingdom in terms of facilitating communication. The study aims to identify word-formation ways of vernacular disease names typical of the Scots dialect as the means of forming non-terminological vocabulary in the medical discourse. The research is novel in that the author, using results of a detailed analysis of a particular lexico-semantic group from the Scots dialect - disease names, has determined specific ways of word-formation and identified the prevalent method of derivation. The attained results have revealed that the most productive way of disease names’ word-formation in the Scots dialect is compounding. The most common Scottish disease names are represented by complex-derivative adjective-nominative lexemes and compound nouns.
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