Canonical Text Leitmotif of the Soviet Occupational Novel
Gaganova Anna Anatol'evna
Moscow State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 09.04.2020
Abstract. The article is devoted to studying the Soviet occupational novel. The author considers the image of a "working man" to be the key genre-forming attribute. The study aims to search for and discover the artistic logic of the genre evolution. The research is novel in that it has identified the core motif of universal and intertextual nature in the canonical text of the occupational novel, which chronologically corresponds to the 20-30s of the XX century: the leitmotif of transforming the world for the "future man". The attained results have shown that the leitmotif of the canonical text at the genre formation stage is realised through a series of antitheses, which at the same time symbolise the conflict between the "past time" and the "future time".
Key words and phrases: производственный роман, проза 1920-1930-х годов, соцреализм, социальный роман, роман воспитания, мотив, лейтмотив, интертекст, сюжет, Л. Леонов, И. Эренбург, Н. Ляшко, А. Малышкин, Ф. Панферов, occupational novel, prose of the 1920-1930s, socialist realism, social novel, Bildungsroman, motif, leitmotif, intertext, plot, L. Leonov, I. Ehrenburg, N. Lyashko, A. Malyshkin, F. Panfyorov
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