Word-Formative Modelling of Linguistic Markers of Modernity (by the Material of the German Language)
Maier Valeriya Stanislavovna
Volgograd State University
Submitted: 03.02.2020
Abstract. The article analyses the functioning of modernity markers in the modern German language. The paper examines newly appeared lexical units included in "words of the year" lists. The author provides vivid illustrative material taking into account pragmatic connotations and modern word-formation processes. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that by the material of "words of the year" lists, the researcher develops methodology for a comprehensive analysis of the German neologisms many of which are absent in modern explanatory dictionaries and in the German Reference Corpus.
Key words and phrases: маркер современности, ключевое слово, "Слово года", речевое поведение, неологизм, markers of modernity, key word, "word of the year", speech behaviour, neologism
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