Abstract. The article considers religious and mythological images and motives in W. Burroughs’s novel "Naked Lunch". The paper aims to trace processes of desacralization and transformation of the mentioned images and motives. The authors identify interrelation of the motives of resurrection and miracle-making with the motive of illness, a recurrent motive in Burroughs’s creative work, ascertain the role of these motives at the ideological level and reveal their semantics. Postmodernist features of W. Burroughs’s works are shown by the example of the novel, which constitutes scientific originality of the study.
Key words and phrases: зарубежная литература, битники, бит-литература, американская литература, контркультура, постмодернизм, поэтика, тело без органов, ризома, Берроуз, Делез, Гваттари, foreign literature, the Beats, Beat literature, American literature, counterculture, post-modernism, poetics, body without organs, rhizome, W. Burroughs, G. Deleuze, F. Guattari
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