Abstract. The article traces evolution of the biographical genre in the Russian literature of the XX-XXI centuries by the example of works by B. K. Zaytsev and his immediate follower A. N. Varlamov. The researcher describes constitutive principles of the biographical genre, emphasizes its syncretic nature, and examines motives for its popularity nowadays. The research objective includes analysing specificity of the modern fictionalized biography in the context of the domestic historical and literary tradition. The comparative analysis of B. K. Zaytsev’s and A. N. Varlamov’s biographical novels allows concluding about stability of this genre form.
Key words and phrases: роман-биография, художественная биография, Б. К. Зайцев, А. Н. Варламов, В. С. Соловьев, М. А. Булгаков, импрессионизм, Серебряный век, документ, biographical novel, fictionalized biography, B. K. Zaytsev, A. N. Varlamov, V. S. Solovyov, M. A. Bulgakov, impressionism, Silver Age, document
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