"Artist’s Book" - Creative Union of a Writer and a Painter ("Boris Godunov" by A. S. Pushkin and V. I. Shukhaev)
Kapitsa Vera Fedorovna
A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 03.03.2020
Abstract. By the material of V. I. Shukhaev’s "artist’s book", the paper examines the phenomenon of the "artist’s book", analyses illustrations that form single intermedial space with the literary text. For the first time, V. I. Shukhaev’s illustrations for "Boris Godunov" are analysed. It is shown that the painter can be rightfully considered a "co-author" of the great Russian poet, his illustrations supplement the poetical text and contribute to creating a polycode composition in which the dramaturgic text is represented as a visual image that combines textual and scenic elements.
Key words and phrases: "книга художника", культура XX века, диалог искусств, текст, визуальность, А. С. Пушкин, В. И. Шухаев, иллюстрации к "Борису Годунову", "artist’s book", XX-century culture, dialogue of arts, text, visuality, A. S. Pushkin, V. I. Shukhaev, illustrations for "Boris Godunov"
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