Philological Peculiarities of the Taoist Treatise "Tao Te Ching" as Inexhaustible Source of Hermeneutic Interpretations (by the Material of the Analysis of the First Chapter and Its Russian Translations)
Rudenko Aleksandr Aleksandrovich, Meng Xia
Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an, the People’s Republic of China
Submitted: 25.03.2020
Abstract. The article analyses philological peculiarities of the first chapter of "Tao Te Ching", the fundamental Taoist text, which aroused numerous comments and was many times translated into different languages. The existing studies on "Tao Te Ching" consider hermeneutics of this ancient text and its philosophical meanings within the paradigm of the Taoist worldview, so the philological aspect was somehow neglected. The comprehensive approach to studying the Taoist canon from the philological viewpoint constitutes scientific originality of the research. The research objectives are as follows: to show that "Tao Te Ching" unique philological peculiarities lead to multiplicity of its hermeneutic interpretations and to identify peculiarities of this ancient Chinese text that often cause interpretation and translation difficulties. The findings indicate that hermeneutic interpretations, even the opposing ones, are conditioned by lexico-grammatical peculiarities of the text under study. Multiplicity of interpretations is due to the lack of fixed punctuation and the ability of the ancient Chinese characters to acquire the features of different parts of speech with different meanings.
Key words and phrases: "Дао Дэ Цзин", филологические особенности "Дао Дэ Цзина", герменевтика "Дао Дэ Цзина", трудности интерпретации, трудности перевода, "Tao Te Ching", "Tao Te Ching" philological peculiarities, "Tao Te Ching" hermeneutics, interpretation difficulties, translation difficulties
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