Overcoming Semantic Oppositions in Semiotically Complicated Fiction Texts
Wang Na
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Submitted: 01.04.2020
Abstract. The article aims to examine the phenomenon of semantic opposition, to analyse examples of overcoming semantic oppositions in a fiction text and to identify the means of forming the textual semantic field. Scientific originality of the study involves identifying the ways to overcome semantic oppositions in semiotically complicated texts. The conducted research allows concluding that while overcoming semantic oppositions, unique textual semantic fields are formed, both intentionally and spontaneously. Overcoming semantic oppositions aims to clarify the meaning of a work of fiction, to reveal its idea, to increase its meaningful and emotional informative content.
Key words and phrases: семантическая оппозиция, преодоление оппозиции, текстовое семантическое поле, семиотический сложный текст, художественный текст, semantic opposition, overcoming opposition, textual semantic field, semiotically complicated text, fiction text
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