Abstract. In domestic and foreign literary criticism, E. Poe’s creative work is often perceived in the context of its dominating rationality and ironic context. Contrary to previous studies, the article examines problems of the irrational in the writer’s creative work by the material of the story "Loss of Breath". The research objective includes identification of mystical and occult elements and their subsequent analysis. The findings allow concluding about obvious presence of occult and mystical elements in the story. The researcher emphasizes the fact that occult and mystical trends should be considered in the context of the writer’s personality, worldview and creative work.
Key words and phrases: романтизм, символика, мистика, оккультизм, метемпсихоз, реинкарнация, живое, но мертвое тело, рок и судьба, дыхание, новеллистика, Э. А. По, romanticism, symbolism, mysticism, occultism, metempsychosis, reincarnation, alive but also dead body, fate and destiny, breath, novelistics, E. A. Poe
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