Role of Problematics and Artistic Principles of Nurdin Muzaev’s Poem "Surkho, the Son of Ada" in Evolution of the Lyric-Epic Genre in the Chechen Literature
Dauletukaeva Kamila Dundovna
Chechen State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 20.03.2020
Abstract. The article aims to analyze problematics, structure and poetics of Nurdin Muzaev’s lyric-epic creative work by the material of his poem "Surkho, the Son of Ada" and to identify the place of this poetical text in evolution of the lyric-epic genre in the Chechen literature of the XX century. Scientific originality of the paper lies in the fact that the researcher for the first time considers specificity of folkloric and literary intertextuality of the mentioned poetical work taking into account its storyline and compositional arrangement, system of images, mytho-poetical representation of ethno-mental consciousness. The paper reveals specificity of conflicts and the characters’ images, notes dynamism of the story development, the author’s mastery in creating artistic details and images, the system of figurative-expressive means. Influence of the poem’s lyrical component on its content, poetics and structure is identified.
Key words and phrases: лирика, эпос, драматургия, аллюзии и реминисценции, интертекст, лирический подтекст, чеченский средневековый народный эпос, поэма, эволюция жанра, Н. Музаев, lyrics, epos, dramaturgy, allusions and reminiscences, intertext, lyrical subtext, Chechen medieval folk epos, poem, genre evolution, N. Muzaev
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