Interlingual Transformations of Speech Acts in Translation Space
Rakhmatullina Dilyara Ravil'evna, Bezmenova Larisa Eduardovna, Stepanova Anna Vasil'evna
Orenburg State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 20.02.2020
Abstract. The article examines models of speech acts transformation when translating from English into Russian. The paper analyses motives for pluralistic interpretation of speech acts that leads to variability in translation. The suggested models of speech acts transformation in the process of translation are considered as an interlingual reconstruction of meaning within translation space. The authors conclude that the features of the speech act itself determine its pluralistic interpretation but cognitive and pragmatic filters of translation space restrict the choice of translation variants.
Key words and phrases: речевой акт, переводческое пространство, пропозиция, пресуппозиция, модель преобразования, когнитивные и прагматические фильтры, speech act, translation space, proposition, presupposition, transformation model, cognitive and pragmatic filters
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