Specificity of Translating the Japanese Forms of Address and Name Suffixes into German (by the Material of Manga Comics)
Kornilova Lyudmila Evgen'evna, Kosyakova Anastasiya Evgen'evna
Far Eastern Federal University
Submitted: 05.02.2020
Abstract. The article tackles the problem of impossibility to transfer fully the meanings of the Japanese forms of address by linguistic means of the German language. Analysing the German version of the Japanese manga comics, the authors conclude that due to the absence of the Japanese name suffixes, which serve as markers of social stratification, the target text contains no information concerning the interlocutors’ place in social hierarchy; hereby, a considerable amount of information about nuances of the personages’ personal and socially determined relations is lost.
Key words and phrases: обращение, именные суффиксы японского языка, категория вежливости в японском языке, латинизация японского языка, японские комиксы манга, form of address, Japanese name suffixes, category of politeness in Japanese language, Latinization of Japanese language, Japanese manga comics
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