Peculiarities of Onym Usage in I. A. Bunin’s Stories (by the Material of the Stories Included in the First Part of "Dark Alleys" Cycle)
Sotnikova Elena Aleksandrovna, Ivanova Marina Yur'evna
Bunin Yelets State University
Submitted: 06.12.2019
Abstract. The article examines the functioning of proper names in literary text. The study is based on the material acquired by continuous sampling from the stories included in the first part of I. A. Bunin’s "Dark Alleys" cycle. This problem is relevant for the modern Russian philology. Types of anthroponyms are ascertained and specificity of their functioning in I. A. Bunin’s stories is described. The researchers’ attention is focused on identifying how the anthroponym helps to reveal the characters’ inner world, to express the author’s attitude towards the personages. The theoretical material is accompanied by examples from the prose texts by I. A. Bunin.
Key words and phrases: цикл рассказов, литературные антропонимы, имя собственное, И. А. Бунин, онимы, семантика, этимология, story cycle, literary anthroponyms, proper name, I. A. Bunin, onyms, semantics, etymology
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