Criteria to Identify a Non-Marked Intertextual Unit in the Poetical Text (by the Material of the English-Language Poetry)
Sergodeev Il'ya Vital'evich
Snezhinsk Physical-Technical Institute (Branch) of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
Submitted: 15.02.2020
Abstract. The article is devoted to studying intertextual units of a poetical text. Relevance of the paper is conditioned by the fact that the modern linguo-poetical analysis lacks formal criteria to identify non-marked intertextual units. The author aims to reveal these criteria. Originality of the research involves the development of general (repeatability, awareness, auto-graphicity/allo-graphicity) and special (absence of a contextual partner, conjunction of contextual meanings, enigmaticity) criteria to identify non-marked intertextual units.
Key words and phrases: автографичность, интертекстуальность, немаркированная интертекстуальная единица, имплицитный контекст, полиинтерпретативность, поэтический текст, энигматичность, auto-graphicity, intertextuality, non-marked intertextual unit, implicit context, poly-interpretability, poetical text, enigmaticity
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