Zen Buddhism in the Novel "The Sacred Book of the Werewolf" by V. Pelevin
Guo Wei
Linyi University
Submitted: 19.02.2020
Abstract. The article examines the role of Zen Buddhism in V. Pelevin’s novel "The Sacred Book of the Werewolf". Zen Buddhist philosophy occupies a special place in his worldview. The paper analyses Buddhist motives represented in the novel’s poetics and themes, traces interrelations with the Chinese literature and culture, shows how Pelevin’s Zen Buddhist worldview influenced his interpretation of the modern Russian reality. The researcher points out that the novel is visibly influenced by the Eastern philosophical thought, and this influence largely determines the writer’s narrative strategy.
Key words and phrases: В. Пелевин, "Священная книга оборотня", буддизм, пустота, философия, V. Pelevin, "The Sacred Book of the Werewolf"’, Buddhism, emptiness, philosophy
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