Female Images as Realisation of the Mythologeme "The Holy Grail" in K. Vonnegut’s Novel "Bluebeard"
Nefedova Olga Igorevna
Moscow Teachers’ Training University
Submitted: 13.11.2020
Abstract. The study aims to determine features of female images realisation in the novel "Bluebeard" by the American writer of the second half of the XX century Kurt Vonnegut through the lens of referencing the whole narration to the legend of the Holy Grail. The research is novel in that it is the first to study the opposition of male and female in the considered creative work through the analysis of symbolical and mythological features of women’s images. As a result, it was found that the writer uses his characters to trace the history of attitudes towards women in the western culture and also offers a possible solution to the problem of imbalanced relationships between genders by means of a dialogue through art.
Key words and phrases: К. Воннегут, женские образы, легенда о Святом Граале, оппозиция "мужское - женское", K. Vonnegut, female images, legend of the Holy Grail, opposition "male - female"
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