Ideas of the Russian Cosmism in the Novels "The Orchid Cage" and "The Ivory Tower" by H. W. Franke
Karmaeva Elena Aleksandrovna, Tsvetkov Yuriy Leonidovich
Ivanovo State University
Submitted: 15.11.2020
Abstract. The study aims to find ideological convergence points between the concept of the universe developed by the Austrian science-fiction writer Herbert Werner Franke (born in 1927) and philosophical ideas of noosphere introduced by the Russian philosophers-cosmists P. A. Florensky, N. F. Fyodorov, V. F. Kuprevich and V. I. Vernadsky. The research is based on the Russian philosophers’ works and Franke’s science-fiction novels "The Orchid Cage" (1961) and "The Ivory Tower" (1965). Scientific novelty is conditioned by considerable influence that the Russian school of Cosmist thought had on formation of the worldview of science-fiction writers from other countries. This is the first time that Franke’s novels are being compared with conceptual ideas of the Russian scientists. As a result, it was proved that the Russian Cosmism ideas more than likely could be familiar to the Austrian novelist, as the main philosophical concepts of noosphere are present in the artistic form in Franke’s novels.
Key words and phrases: философия русского космизма, научная фантастика, Герберт Вернер Франке, "Клетка для орхидей", "Башня из слоновой кости", philosophy of the Russian Cosmism, science fiction, Herbert Werner Franke, "The Orchid Cage", "The Ivory Tower"
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