Means of Expression and Functions of Detail in F. I. Chudakov’s Autobiographical Short Story "Shamil"
Lapteva Natalya Andreyevna
Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 09.11.2020
Abstract. The study aims to identify the functions of artistic details in the short story "Shamil" by F. I. Chudakov (1888-1918), a talented writer, whose life and creative work were associated with the Amur region for a long time. The research is novel in that it is the first to introduce the never-studied-before autobiographical short story into scientific discourse and to consider artistic language specificity in the author’s prose. The article examines the main details depicting the material world, characterising originality of the characters’ psychological state, creating humorous, ironic effect. The research findings have shown that the use of details deepens the message of the work and also helps to identify certain important features of the author’s worldview.
Key words and phrases: Ф. И. Чудаков, автобиографический рассказ "Шамиль", художественная деталь, вещный мир, ирония, F. I. Chudakov, autobiographical short story "Shamil", artistic detail, material world, irony
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