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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2020. № 12. P. 327-331.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Speech Portrait of Foreigner’s Image in B. Akunin’s "Fandorin" Corpus as Linguostylistic Constant of the Meta-Cycle

Borunov Artem Borisovich
Moscow City University

Submitted: 15.11.2020
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to reveal B. Akunin’s strategy used in the "Fandorin" meta-cycle to create a speech portrait of a character-foreigner, who is able to integrate into the Russian society. Scientific novelty of the research lies in identifying typical devices employed in creating the image of the "Russian foreigners" through the lens of speech. As a result, the author identifies certain homology in linguostylistic means use in creation of the mentioned images, whose very presence in Akunin’s novels is one of the cycle-forming constants of the "Fandorin" corpus. It is proved that the most frequently used (as a part of language play with the reader) means of identifying a "Russified" foreigner is quoting from works of the classic Russian literature.
Key words and phrases: Акунин, постмодернизм, лингвистическая игра, речевой портрет, имитация русской речи, Akunin, postmodernism, language play, speech portrait, imitation of the Russian speech
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