Pronominal Constructions ‘между тем’, ‘вместе с тем’, ‘тем не менее’as Parenthetical Elements of Language
Kuznetsova Svetlana Mikhailovna
Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V. J. Kikot’ (Tver Branch)
Submitted: 03.11.2020
Abstract. The study aims to determine syntactic essence of the pronominal constructions ‘между тем’, ‘вместе с тем’, ‘тем не менее’. The article considers the issue of punctuation of the specified word combinations, analyses possibility of classifying these elements as parenthetical constructions. The research is novel in that the chosen units have not come to linguists’ attention despite the fact that the use of the specified constructions presents punctuation problems. As a result, it was determined that the combinations ‘между тем’, ‘вместе с тем’, ‘тем не менее’ can function at the synchronic level of the language as parenthetical combinations in accordance with the meaning they express.
Key words and phrases: вводные слова, местоименные наречные выражения, пунктуация, функциональный критерий, parenthetical words, pronominal adverbial expressions, punctuation, functional criterion
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