Comparative Study of CHRISTMAS Concept in the Context of Intercultural Dialogue
Shvetsova Victoria Mikhailovna, Goncharova Natalia Aleksandrovna
Michurinsk State Agrarian University
Submitted: 05.11.2020
Abstract. The paper aims to reveal the meaningful multi-level structure of a spiritual concept and to identify specificity of its interpretation in Catholicism and Orthodoxy in the context of intercultural dialogue. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the single-level lexical unit ‘Christmas’ is for the first time analysed taking into account the multi-level structure of the appropriate concept represented in the national linguo-cultural consciousness by a set of meaningful dominants. In accordance with the research objective, the authors provide a comparative analysis of the CHRISTMAS concept in the Russian and British linguistic worldviews. The research findings are as follows: relying on the data of the conducted linguistic experiment, the authors identify specificity of the CHRISTMAS concept representation in the Russian and British linguistic consciousness.
Key words and phrases: концепт РОЖДЕСТВО, уровневая структура концепта, русская и британская лингвокультуры, CHRISTMAS concept, concept multi-level structure, Russian and British linguo-cultures
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